Follow Post-Care Instructions
- The recovery period following a tummy tuck is crucial for determining the long-term results of your surgery.
- During this period, you want to make sure that you closely follow all after-care instructions to prevent any complications that could affect your long-term results.
Avoid Future Pregnancies
- Pregnancy can put your body through a tremendous amount of stress. Carrying a child in the womb would place pressure on the abdominal muscles and skin tightened during a tummy tuck.
- This pressure could undo some of the results of the procedure. Therefore, an ideal candidate for a tummy tuck should not have plans for future pregnancies.
Avoid Excessive Weight Gain
- An ideal tummy tuck candidate should also be at a stable weight. Similar to pregnancy, weight gain can strain the abdominal wall, loosening up the skin and muscles tightened during the procedure.
- Before getting a tummy tuck, you want to make sure that you’re close to your ideal weight and can maintain it.
Diet & Exercise
- During and after the recovery period, your surgeon will inform you as to when and how much exercise you can engage in.
- It’s important to start small as your body recovers, but eventually you’ll want to return to a healthy diet and exercise regimen.