Monday, 10 October 2016

Dr. Wilfredo Rodriguez Named Top Bariatric Surgeon in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Today plastic surgery includes a new group of patients; who after undergoing diets lose weight significantly or individuals who have been obese and after surgery bariƔtricadisminuyen weight and flabby tissue become excessive, causing an aesthetic appearance of accelerated aging worries such patients. With plastic surgery post - bariatric can be restored and get very nice aesthetic results.

Bariatric surgery in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic is today one of the surgical areas of greatest progress and development, since it is the ultimate solution to morbid obesity and is also the best option for treating metabolic syndrome (diabetes + hypertension + Obesity).

Dr. Wilfredo Rodriguez is the leading bariatric surgeon in the Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Visit this page to learn more about him.

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Best Nipple Reduction Surgeon in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Nipple reduction Surgery, reduces the size of the nipples. It is performed both men and women, sometimes during Breast Reduction, Breast Augmentation, Reduction Gynecomastia, Areola reduction and / or rarely after a Nipple Correction Inverted. Like the areola, the nipple naturally increases in size, and may darken in response to hormones released during puberty and pregnancy. Often, the nipple growth seen during pregnancy increases breastfeeding, and remains even after breastfeeding has ceased. For men, a large nipple could be associated with the engrandamiento of male breasts (gynecomastia), and has a feminine effect on the appearance of the breasts. Nipple Reduction can often be performed in the office under local anesthesia, and has a recovery period of a few days.

Dr. Wilfredo Rodriguez in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic can help if you are unhappy with either the size or shape of your nipples.

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

4 Tips for Long-Lasting Tummy Tuck Results

Follow Post-Care Instructions

  • The recovery period following a tummy tuck is crucial for determining the long-term results of your surgery.
  • During this period, you want to make sure that you closely follow all after-care instructions to prevent any complications that could affect your long-term results.

Avoid Future Pregnancies

  • Pregnancy can put your body through a tremendous amount of stress. Carrying a child in the womb would place pressure on the abdominal muscles and skin tightened during a tummy tuck.
  • This pressure could undo some of the results of the procedure. Therefore, an ideal candidate for a tummy tuck should not have plans for future pregnancies.

Avoid Excessive Weight Gain

  • An ideal tummy tuck candidate should also be at a stable weight. Similar to pregnancy, weight gain can strain the abdominal wall, loosening up the skin and muscles tightened during the procedure.
  • Before getting a tummy tuck, you want to make sure that you’re close to your ideal weight and can maintain it.

Diet & Exercise

  • During and after the recovery period, your surgeon will inform you as to when and how much exercise you can engage in.
  • It’s important to start small as your body recovers, but eventually you’ll want to return to a healthy diet and exercise regimen.

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Dr. Wilfredo Rodriguez - Dominican Republic Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Wilfredo Rodriguez, a plastic surgeon from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic specializing in cosmetic and plastic surgery in general, for breast lift, tuck and buttocks. As a top class surgeon, Dr. Wilfredo has done successfully number of plastic surgeries. See below some of successful examples that makes Dr. Wilfredo Rodriguez best one.

Dr. Wilfredo Rodriguez - Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Wilfredo Rodriguez - Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Wilfredo Rodriguez - Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Wilfredo Rodriguez - Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Wilfredo Rodriguez - Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Wilfredo Rodriguez - Plastic Surgeon
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Dr. Wilfredo Rodriguez - Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Wilfredo Rodriguez - Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Wilfredo Rodriguez - Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Wilfredo Rodriguez - Plastic Surgeon